
Download: bib/hodique.bib
@PHDTHESIS {hodique-phd,
  AUTHOR =       {Y. Hodique},
  TITLE =      {Sûreté et optimisation par les systèmes de types en contexte ouvert et contraint},
  JOURNAL =    {PhD Thesis, Univ. Lille 1},
  YEAR =       {2007},
  PUBDATE =    {2007-04},
  LANG =       {fr},
  MONTH =      {april},
  file = public:hodique-phd.pdf,

@INPROCEEDINGS {ghr-ubisafe-07,
  AUTHOR = {G. Grimaud and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE = {A verifiable Lightweight Escape Analysis Supporting Creational Design Patterns},
  BOOKTITLE = {The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Ubisafe Computing (UbiSafe-07)},
  YEAR = {2007},
  LANG = {en},

@ARTICLE {ghr-rr5937-06,
  AUTHOR = {G. Grimaud and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE = {A verifiable Lightweight Escape Analysis Supporting Creational Design Patterns (long version)},
  YEAR =  {2006},
  URL = {http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/08/14/28/PDF/RR-5937.pdf},
  LANG = {en},

@INPROCEEDINGS {ghr-icooolps-06,
  AUTHOR = {G. Grimaud and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE = {Can small and open embedded systems benefit from escape analysis?},
  BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS'2006)},
  YEAR = {2006},
  LANG = {en},
@ARTICLE {ghsr06ijpeds,
  AUTHOR =      {G. Grimaud and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE =      {On the Use of metatypes for safe embedded operating system extension},
  JOURNAL =      {International Journal of Parallel, Emargent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS)},
  YEAR =      {2006},
  LANG =         {en},
  VOLUME =       {22},
  PAGES =      {1-13},
  file = public:ijpeds2006-ghr.pdf,

@INPROCEEDINGS {ghr-sanso-05,
  AUTHOR =       {G. Grimaud and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE =        {Secure extensible type system for efficient embedded operating system by using metatypes},
  BOOKTITLE =      {SaNSO 2005},
  YEAR =         {2005},
  MONTH =        {july},
  LANG =         {en},
  VOLUME =       {2},
  PAGES =        {83-87},
  file = {SaNSO2005_grimaud_g.pdf},

@ARTICLE {dhr-ijca-05,
  AUTHOR =       {D. Deville and Y. Hodique and I. Simplot-Ryl},
  TITLE =        {Safe Collaboration in Extensible Operating Systems: A Study on Real Time Extensions},
  JOURNAL =      {International Journal of Computers and Applications},
  YEAR =         {2005},
  MONTH =        {january},
  LANG =         {en},
  VOLUME =       {1},
  PAGES =      {20-26},
  file = public:ijca2005-dhr.pdf,

@MASTERSTHESIS {hodique-dea,
  AUTHOR =       {Y. Hodique},
  TITLE =      {Approximations de stratégies de preuves en réécriture},,
  JOURNAL =    {Master Thesis, Univ. Rennes 1},
  YEAR =       {2003},
  PUBDATE =    {2003-07},
  LANG =       {fr},
  MONTH =      {july},
  file = public:hodique-dea.pdf,